Music Facts: Did You Know? Surprising, Wonderful & Brain-Boosting Music Trivia

Music facts and interesting music trivia from music studies

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Music facts: interesting facts from music studies on kids’ well-being to wacky, fun music trivia. Prepare for a medley of amazement and a dash of delightful amusement!

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Music Facts: Ready to stump your friends with some fun and interesting music trivia? You’re in the right place!

Discover how playing an instrument can boost your brainpower, random trivia about famous musicians, and learn why regular pop music tuning might be affecting your mood and how, instead, 432 Hz could be the key to your well-being.

Let’s dive in!

Playing guitar supercharges kids’ math skills

Wondering if your kid would benefit from learning to play guitar? Well, it might be more than just a fun hobby. A study in 2023 (Baker, Hallam, and Rogers) found that children who pick up an instrument see a big boost in their math skills. This effect is even stronger for kids from less privileged backgrounds. 

Sounds of the Stone Age

The oldest musical instrument found to date is a flute made from a cave bear femur bone in Divje Babe, Slovenia. It dates back at least 50,000 years. Just imagine those prehistoric melodies echoing through the caves! Let’s hope our bear friend passed peacefully, leaving behind a legacy of the world’s first flute solo.

Chimps found jamming on rainforest roots

Chimps are the rockstars of the rainforest, seriously! They’ve been spotted in Uganda throwing down ‘signature’ drum solos on tree roots by researchers, including PhD student Vesta Eleuteri and Dr. Catherine Hobaiter. Each chimp’s beat is as unique as a fingerprint, making them the coolest percussionists in the wild!

Music lessons for children’s IQ boost

Research led by E. Glenn Schellenberg, PhD, suggests a link between learning to play an instrument and sharper minds in kids. While the study showed an average 7.5 IQ increase, it’s important to remember IQ is just one piece of the puzzle. 

Music lessons can enrich a child’s life by nurturing their confidence, creativity, and emotional intelligence, creating a foundation for happiness and well-being far beyond a test score.

Close call: London Symphony Orchestra’s Titanic tale

Talk about a close call! The London Symphony Orchestra nearly set sail on the Titanic’s ill-fated maiden voyage. But thanks to a last-minute schedule shuffle, they boarded a different ship. 

While we’re happy for their lucky break, let’s not forget the eight courageous musicians, including bandmaster Henry Wallace Hartley, who played their hearts out on the Titanic’s deck until the very end.

How ‘Umbrella’ slipped through Britney’s fingers

Hit song Umbrella could have been a Britney Spears classic, but fate had other plans. Co-writer Tricky Stewart penned the song with Briney in mind after their 2003 collab, but Britney’s team let the song slip away and passed on it. 

That’s when Rihanna stepped in, took Umbrella under her wing, and soared to the top of the charts in 17 countries. Britney’s loss was certainly Rihanna’s gain!

Playing an instrument boosts HGH and reduces aging signs

The PROTECT study by the University of Exeter found that seniors learning to play an instrument experienced a significant boost in human growth hormone (HGH). HGH helps with energy levels and can lessen signs of aging like wrinkles and osteoporosis. 

Who needs cross word puzzles when you can be learning an awesome skill and keeping those neurons firing on all cylinders?

Your audio passport to another dimension

Ready for some cosmic exploration? Binaural beats could be your ticket to astral projection. Here’s how it works: two slightly different tones are played, one in each ear, and your brain picks up on a third tone—the binaural beat. 

Binaural frequencies in the theta range (4-7 Hz) help guide you into a deeper state of expanded consciousness where you can explore your subconscious and potentially manifest your dreams. Bliss!

Streaming dark side: The grim reality of Spotify’s artist payouts

Here’s a not-so-fun fact: Forget the mega-millionaires! The reality for most artists on Spotify is far less glamorous. The bottom 98.6% average a measly $12 a month – not even enough for new strings! 

So, the next time you stream, consider supporting your favorite artists beyond applause. Show your appreciation through merch purchases, concert tickets, and platforms offering artist tips.

Guitarists—how many of you actually enjoy changing your guitar strings?

No takers? Well, meet Thomas Silkman, a guy who apparently loves the challenge of changing guitar strings. In 2018, he replaced 226 strings on 37 smaller 3/4 length guitars within an hour, earning a Guinness World Record, turning a mundane task into a record-breaking extravaganza.

Water crystals reveal music’s hidden power

The groundbreaking Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted a series of experiments in which he played different music styles to water. The astonishing results found that chill vibes from soothing tunes created beautiful geometric water crystals, but aggressive, negative music resulted in distorted, incomplete crystals.

Now consider this: our bodies are composed of a whopping 99% water at the molecular level, so Dr. Emoto’s studies highlight how every piece of music we hear can shape our overall well-being and peace. Makes you rethink your playlist, doesn’t it?

The pop star with a lung of steel

Morton Harket, the lead singer of A-ha, holds the European record for the longest sustained note in a pop song. In their song Summer Moved On, he belts out a note for an eye-watering 20.2 seconds. I wonder if he needed a nap after that epic vocal workout!

Dolly’s bold move in saying ‘nope’ to Elvis

Did ya’ll know Dolly Parton once said ‘nope’ to the King himself? Elvis Presley wanted to cover ‘I Will Always Love You,’ but Dolly stood her ground on keeping her publishing rights. She later said it was a heartbreaker decision for her, but Dolly’s business savvy was as strong as her songwriting genius. Go, Dolly!

Music classes boost kids’ social skills and self-esteem

According to Northwestern University research, participating in music classes can help kids with their social skills and self-esteem. It’s not just about learning the notes but also helping youngsters to feel confident and empowered to stand out in a crowd, whether on stage or in life.

Tuning back into wellness: 432 Hz vs. 440 Hz

Imagine a world where music heals and soothes. Some believe this could be possible if we shift from the standard 440 Hz tuning to the once reigning 432 Hz. 

Advocates believe that 432 Hz resonates more harmoniously with our bodies and the cosmos. Research indicates that this frequency promotes brain synchronization, eases anxiety, and even lowers heart rates.

Music makes problem-solving superheroes

A study by the University of Georgia showed kids who played musical instruments displayed a toolbox of skills that boosted their creative thinking. 

The research found that learning music helps youngsters manage their time, prioritize things, develop self-awareness, and get along with others. These skills make them rockstar problem-solvers who can tackle challenges with both smarts and creativity!

Metallica sets record by rocking all 7 continents

Metallica didn’t just rock the world; they rocked every corner of it! The metal legends became the first band to perform on all seven continents after their chilly gig in Antarctica. They jammed out in a transparent dome for an audience of scientists and lucky fans, making history and probably some penguins headbang!

Musical instruments enhance your kids’ memory and decisions

It’s official: tickling the ivories or strumming a guitar could turbocharge your child’s brain. Penn Medicine’s studies sing the praises of playing instruments, showing it amps up kids’ memory and sharpens their decision-making skills—way more than just listening to music!

Moby and Macca show the true purpose of fame

Moby and Paul McCartney aren’t afraid to use their fame for good when it comes to helping animals and protecting the environment. Moby donates money to organizations that fight for animal rights, even selling his $1.3 million house to give the profits to charity! 

Macca has consistently supported PETA, making significant progress in promoting vegetarianism and fighting animal cruelty. These two guys really walk the walk when it comes to compassion.

Group singing banishes the blues

Feeling down in the dumps? Group singing might be the pick-me-up you need! A study by Good and Russo found that singing with others is a happiness powerhouse. 

It not only lifts your spirits but also boosts your oxytocin, the hormone that makes you feel warm and fuzzy. So, gather your buddies for a fun karaoke session. It’s like a workout for your soul, with added laughter!

Music and sacred patterns unlock the universe’s secrets

Move over sheet music; the universe grooves to a symphony of sound waves and geometric shapes! Ancient teachings worldwide reveal that nature’s patterns unlock truths and wisdom waiting for you to remember. 

Colors, shapes, synchronicities, and those recurring numbers you keep seeing? They’re our cosmic road signs. Music really is the language of the universe, connecting us to something bigger and better than we could imagine!

Drumroll, please, for the multitasking muso ninjas

Drummers aren’t just keeping the beat – they’re conquering the world of multitasking! According to research by Dr. Frederic Ullen at the Karolinska Institutet, drummers’ brains adapt to handle complex rhythms, leading to changes that improve coordination and timing. 

So, next time you see a drummer keeping the beat steady, know there’s a whole lot of focus and “cognitive control” going on behind the scenes.

Summing it Up

Music facts and trivia: complete!

Feeling inspired? If you or your child has ever dreamt of strumming a guitar, now’s the perfect time! The world of music is waiting to be explored, and creating your own melodies is an unbeatable experience.

So turn up the volume, dive into new genres, and keep the music playing! Your brain (and the world) will thank you.

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